"5 Things That Made a ...

5 Things That Made a Difference to Reichel

This week I'm delighted to feature the lovely Reichel of Copy Cat Chic in the series 5 Things That Made a Difference. Reichel is a multi talented designer who shares with her readers, tons of great bargain finds every week. She takes high end home decor pieces and hunts down strikingly similar versions that are a fraction of the cost. Her blog is so awesome, it's been recognized by magazines such as Cosmo, Style at Home, Real Simple and Better Homes and Gardens. If you're on a budget, her blog is a must-follow.
Read on to find out what five things have positively influenced Reichel's life:
1. Horses - My love of horses started when I was 3yrs old and my Mom rented a pony for my birthday. I still remember my very first pony ride! My love of horses has been one of the constants in my life. I'll always love horses and riding has been a great way to keep myself grounded. Being at the barn is relaxing and healing. I can always count on a good ride to help clear my head and get rid of stress. And now my love of all things equestrian has carried over into my love of home design. I try to not get too carried away for my husband's sake ;) I'm looking forward to picking up riding again soon, and I have high hopes of Arden enjoying horses too(when she's a little older)!
2. Martha Stewart - Martha has served as such an inspiration to so many and I definitely am one of them. I remember recording her show every single morning. And those were the days of tapes and VCRs...such a hassle, but so worth it! She was such a pioneer and I wanted to be just like her. Imagine creating a career out of making your life beautiful, what a concept!
3. Online Friends - I owe much to my online friends and colleagues. The support and camaraderie I've had over the years has been awe-inspiring. I originally started my blog to share my finds with my internet friends and now people all over the world subscribe to it. I feel so lucky to have so many great & generous internet friends, I wouldn't have my blog with out them!
4. Pottery Barn - My job working on the Pottery Barn catalog taught me so much, I'll always be thankful of my time there. When I was laid off (2 years ago) I was at a loss of what I wanted from a job and career. I knew that working for "the man" was just not going to cut it anymore. I was tired of working 9-6 in an office where seeing the light of day was a rare thing. I was burnt out, but also a slave to the bills. I would have never had the courage to leave and branch out on my own. So I owe it to PB for kicking my butt in gear and forcing me to have the courage to try something new.
5. My Husband - Lastly (and the most important of all), my amazing husband. He has been so extremely supportive of my blog, even back in the days where it wasn't exactly lucrative ;) He has always been there to lift me when I was down or to give me a lil' push when I was flailing. He has believed in me and the blog from day one and has always encouraged me to take it one step further, even before I lost my job at PB. He's never once failed to give me the freedom I need to take the blog in the direction it needs to go. I couldn't ask for a better husband and partner.

5 Things That Made a Difference to Lissa

This week I'm happy to feature the lovely Lissa of After Adornment, in the series 5 Things that Made a Difference. Lissa is an interior designer who shares on her blog, her insights, tips, beautiful design inspirations, as well the process of decorating her three floor townhome (which she recently moved into!). Read on to find out what five things have positively influenced her life:

1. Ballet - I danced ballet for 17 years and I would have to say this was probably the most influential thing I have done so far in my life. It has shaped my work ethic, and my drive to achieve great things. It has also taught me that determination and practice, practice, practice will get you far.

2. My Family/My Husband - My family and husband have all been very significant in shaping my life. My sister has always made me dare to be a little more outgoing. My mom has always pushed me knowing I can do great things. My step dad has always let me be me, knowing I will do great things on my own time. And last but not least, my husband is always there to support me in anything I do, even it's the craziest thing he has ever heard! Each of them has helped me figure out who I am in different ways.

3. College and New Friends - College was very instrumental in who I am today. This was the time in my life where I truly came out of my shell and made some amazing friends. Before college I was a shy ballet dancer. I met my best girlfriends in college and we will always be there for each other.

4. Blogging - Blogging has definitely pulled a 180 on some aspects of my life...but in a good way. I also get so much inspiration from reading blogs and from other bloggers in design, business, and just life in general. The blog world is a truly unique place with so many amazing people.

5. Interior Design - Interior Design has always been a part of my life in some way or another. Whether arranging and rearranging my room when I was little, to going to school and getting my design degree. Design is my passion and keeps me going everyday. I love what I do and hope it only gets better from here!