makeup organization

My Stylishly Organized Drawer

I recently gave one of my drawers a little makeover with a clear organizer and a roll of duct tape. I used the organizer, which I picked up from Ikea, to separate all my items. It has lots of little compartments that make it easy to designate a spot for each thing. When everything is in it's place, I can quickly find what I need.

As for the duct tape, I used it to create a stylish drawer liner.  3M has a great snake print tape from their new Expressions line that can be used in a lot of creative ways.  Kelly of Fabulous K recently used it to cover a photo frame and Megan of Honey We're Home used it to cover a mousepad and a tray.  To make my drawer liner, I simply measured the bottom of my drawer, cut a piece of poster board to size, covered it with strips of the duct tape and then fit it inside the drawer. Super easy. Looks great and as a bonus, it helps protect my drawer.  If anything spills, I can easily wipe it off. This is what I see when I open my drawer now:

What do you think? Not too shabby huh?

If you're thinking of using snake print tape for a little project of your own, use this coupon for $1 off.

This post was brought to you by Office Depot.  All thoughts, ideas, and opinions expressed here are my own. Thank you for supporting Arianna Belle sponsors!  

Muji Acrylic Storage

I love finding pieces that can be mixed and matched to accommodate various space and storage needs. My most recent finds are these Muji acrylic drawers and stands. The configuration below shows the 2 Drawer Acrylic Case with the Large Acrylic Stand on top of it, used for organizing makeup brushes, tools, and cosmetics.

For additional storage compartments I could swap out the 2 Drawer Case for the 3 or 5 Drawer Case...or maybe add the Small Acrylic Stand... or this case placed horizontally on top of the drawers... So many possible combos! 

image credit: top photograph by Emily Weiss