home office organization

Organized Drawers - Clear Dividers

When it comes to organizing drawers, dividers are key for keeping like items together and neatly contained {so they don't spill over}. My favorite are clear organizer sets, like this one, this one, and this one, that can be arranged whichever way fit best in the drawer. Since they're transparent, they're also great for showing off a pretty drawer liner.

image credits: 1- from the June 2009 issue of Instyle Magazine; 2-Better Homes and Gardens

Beautifully Organized Space of the Week

This week's beautifully organized space is from the home of interior designer Amy Meier. Since she and her husband eat most of their meals on their patio dining table, Amy used the "dining area" of her small apartment to create a fully functioning office for her design business.

Picture 52

A large Ikea bookcase provides easy access to fabric samples and papers carefully organized into a mix of woven and wire baskets, bins, and fabric covered binders. A magnet board next to her metal desk serves as a place for Amy to post pictures and paint and fabric samples that inspire her projects.

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A trio of white shelves and a three pocket file holder take advantage of wall space and provide a place to hold a multitude of items including fabric covered albums, leather boxes, and sketchbooks.

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